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The Concerns and Controversy of AI in Elections: Preserving Democracy at a Critical Crossroads

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The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in elections has reached a crucial point, with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) opting against implementing regulations on “deepfake” political ads for the upcoming 2024 election. This decision has sparked concerns and ignited debates surrounding the potential consequences of an “AI arms race” within political campaigns.

Navigating Ethical Standards in AI Usage

In the absence of new regulations, political campaigns are left to establish their own ethical standards regarding the use of AI. While the protection of free speech is essential, the lack of clear guidelines presents an opportunity for campaigns to collectively define ethical norms. However, striking the right balance and defining these standards is a complex undertaking.

Exploring the Controversy Surrounding AI in Campaigns

Instances like the collaboration between Maybelline and Ryan Vita, where a bearded cross-dresser promotes their lipstick, are not isolated incidents within electoral campaigns. Previous elections have seen attempts to regulate clean campaign pledges and debates through the Commission on Presidential Debates, but these endeavors have often been met with controversy and conflicting opinions.

Political Campaigns and the Negotiation of AI Rules

Political campaigns find themselves in unfamiliar territory as they navigate the realm of AI regulations, engaging in negotiations regarding rules such as content labeling and targeted advertisements. The agreements reached in this process could establish precedents that shape the landscape of future presidential elections and other political contests.

Compliance and Political Capital in AI Usage

Campaigns that abide by agreed-upon rules can highlight their ethical implementation of AI as a selling point. Conversely, rival campaigns can gain a political advantage by exposing violations of these rules. The question remains whether the potential benefits derived from breaking rules outweigh the ammunition it provides opponents.

The Role of Voters in AI-Ethical Campaigns

In the event that campaigns fail to agree on or adhere to AI limitations, the responsibility falls on voters to critically evaluate campaign marketing. Third-party content labeling may assist readers in identifying AI-generated content, but even limited exposure to misinformation can be challenging to rectify and perpetuates belief in similar falsehoods.

Beyond AI: Expanding Challenges and Concerns

The impact of AI extends beyond elections, revolutionizing industries such as Hollywood and writing apps like ChatGPT. While AI offers the potential for streamlining processes and reducing costs, concerns regarding accuracy and the risk of manipulation persist.

Public Opinion as a Deterrent to Unethical AI Usage

Ultimately, the power of public opinion serves as the most effective deterrent against unethical AI usage. Voter backlash, as witnessed in previous instances of campaign decorum violations, can shape candidates’ behavior and discourage desperate attempts to exploit AI for personal gain.

Shaping the Future of Democracy

The utilization of AI in politics calls for careful consideration and a delicate balance. Our present choices will shape the integrity of democratic processes and political discourse for future generations. It is imperative to leverage AI to provide voters with authentic information and messages, avoiding confusion and manipulation.

Approaching AI in Politics with Caution

It is essential to approach the integration of AI in politics with caution, ensuring that technology serves democracy rather than jeopardizing it.

Malcolm Grayson

Malcolm graduated from Harvard with a double major and minor with honors in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. He then worked for Harvard as a Rockefeller Fellow, an honor awarded to him by the Rockefeller Family. He is currently ranked as having the top 20 best memories in the USA.

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