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Transcript Uncovers Democrat Rep. Goldman’s Manipulation of Devon Archer’s Interview: The Truth Behind the “Illusion of Access”

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The recently released transcript of the House Oversight Committee’s interview with Devon Archer, former business partner and close friend of Hunter Biden, has provided insight into how New York Rep. Daniel Goldman, a prominent Democrat on the committee, managed to create a positive narrative out of an otherwise damaging interview. Contrary to what the Democrats highlighted to the media, the transcript reveals that it was Goldman who introduced the term “illusion of access,” which Archer initially agreed with but later hesitated to fully endorse. When asked by Goldman if it was accurate to say that Hunter Biden was peddling the illusion of access to his father, Archer responded that it was “almost fair,” noting that there were points of contact but no substantial discussions. Archer went on to explain that phone calls between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden acted as signals to business partners regarding potential influence and access. Although Archer never witnessed explicit talks of business agreements involving Joe Biden during these calls, he believed that the mere existence of these conversations held enough weight. He acknowledged that Hunter Biden capitalized on his father’s influential name to attract business opportunities abroad. While Hunter Biden may not have explicitly stated, “we’re going to exploit my father’s connections for this,” Archer attested to the fact that he would use the family name as leverage. Archer recounted instances where Joe Biden was placed on speakerphone during meetings with business partners around 20 times to promote the Biden brand. He admitted that Joe Biden’s presence significantly increased the brand’s value and played a crucial role in their ability to secure investments. The transcripts also verified Archer’s observance of Hunter Biden including his father in speakerphone discussions with business associates. Furthermore, the interview debunked a central claim made by Biden’s camp regarding a dinner attended by now-President Biden and a Burisma executive. These revelations from the transcript raise serious questions and concerns about the Biden family’s engagements in business affairs and potential access to political influence.

Malcolm Grayson

Malcolm graduated from Harvard with a double major and minor with honors in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. He then worked for Harvard as a Rockefeller Fellow, an honor awarded to him by the Rockefeller Family. He is currently ranked as having the top 20 best memories in the USA.

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