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Concerns Arise Over Proposed Homeless Housing Project in Jackson

Credit: Deposit Photos

A proposed housing complex for the homeless in Jackson, Mississippi has sparked concerns among residents, who fear potential consequences such as increased crime. The project, which involves constructing 60 tiny homes at a cost of $600,000, is currently awaiting approval from the city council. However, homeowners and some council members have expressed resistance to the plan.

Ward 5 Councilman Vernon Harley echoed the concerns of constituents, stating, “We have folks saying, ‘Don’t let it go through. Don’t let it go through’.” While acknowledging the importance of addressing homelessness in Jackson, Harley cautioned against hastily approving additional facilities without a comprehensive strategy for managing the issue. He suggested focusing on supporting existing residents and seeking community grants for home restoration and improving cleanliness.

Critics of the plan argue that locating the housing complex, which includes communal facilities, in West Jackson may attract more homeless individuals to the area. Some residents, like Sheka Epps, support housing solutions for the homeless but believe that the current location is too close to existing homeowners and schools. Epps expressed concerns about the potential increase in homelessness, blight, and businesses leaving the area, suggesting that the homeless camp could be situated in more remote, rural areas.

Supporters of the project, including Jackson Resource Center CEO Putalamus White, believe that it would address the pressing issue of homelessness in the city by providing housing for nearly 3,000 individuals. White stated, “Building this would get us, as a city, going in the right direction… It would definitely pull a lot of our homeless in West Jackson off the streets.”

The proposed homeless housing project aligns with the Biden administration’s initiative, as they have recently pledged $3.16 billion to fund over 6,000 similar projects nationwide. However, the response of the Jackson City Council to the proposal remains unknown at this time.

Malcolm Grayson

Malcolm graduated from Harvard with a double major and minor with honors in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. He then worked for Harvard as a Rockefeller Fellow, an honor awarded to him by the Rockefeller Family. He is currently ranked as having the top 20 best memories in the USA.

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