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Biden Faces Decreasing Approval Ratings According to Latest Gallup Poll

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The most recent Gallup poll shows a notable decrease in President Biden’s approval rating, with only 38 percent of respondents indicating satisfaction with his performance. This rating is alarmingly close to his historical low, signaling a challenging period for his administration. The poll also reveals that a substantial majority of 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s presidency, highlighting the gravity of his current situation.

Regarding Biden’s handling of foreign policy matters like the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, the poll indicates varying levels of support. Only 40 percent of respondents back his efforts in Ukraine, while a mere 30 percent approve of his actions in Gaza, suggesting a critical view of his strategies in the Middle East. In a broader scope of international affairs, only 33 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s policies.

In terms of the economy, 36 percent of Americans support Biden’s attempts to revitalize it post-pandemic, a slight uptick from November. However, the administration faces its toughest criticism on immigration, with only 28 percent of Americans approving of Biden’s management of the migrant surge at the U.S. border.

While Democrats generally back Biden’s economic policies and foreign affairs strategies, they are less favorable toward his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and immigration. On the immigration front, a divided stance within the Democratic Party is evident, with only 55 percent approval for Biden’s policies. Similarly, his approach to the Middle East conflict sees a slightly lower approval of 51 percent from Democratic respondents.

Despite making some headway with independent voters on economic matters, Biden still faces challenges in garnering their support on other issues. Republican approval of Biden remains notably low, with only 3 percent backing his immigration efforts and 4 percent supporting his economic policies, showcasing a clear partisan divide.

Since August 2021, Biden has struggled to surpass a 44 percent approval rating, positioning him as one of the least popular post-World War II presidents in his third year in office. With the upcoming elections in mind, Gallup highlights the significant work Biden needs to do to improve his approval rating, especially among independents and Democrats, if he aims for a second term in office.

Malcolm Grayson

Malcolm graduated from Harvard with a double major and minor with honors in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. He then worked for Harvard as a Rockefeller Fellow, an honor awarded to him by the Rockefeller Family. He is currently ranked as having the top 20 best memories in the USA.

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