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Ramaswamy Proposes Military Deployment to Address Migrant Crisis, Argues for a More Comprehensive Approach

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In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy discussed his plans to effectively handle the ongoing migrant crisis at the US southern border. Ramaswamy emphasized the insufficiency of solely building a wall and proposed the deployment of the military to both the southern and potentially the northern borders as part of his comprehensive strategy.

The Importance of Military Deployment: Ramaswamy raised concerns about the limitations of a border wall, citing instances of underground tunnels being used for illegal activities like human trafficking and drug smuggling. To effectively tackle this serious problem, he advocated for the deployment of the US military to secure both the southern and potentially the northern borders. Ramaswamy believes that this approach is legally, ethically, and constitutionally justified, and is necessary to ensure border security.

The Ongoing Migrant Crisis: The United States has been dealing with a significant migrant crisis at the southern border for the past three years. Although there has been a recent decrease in migrant encounters since the end of Title 42 in May, the duration of this decrease remains uncertain. In fiscal years 2021 and 2022, the US had over 1.7 million and 2.4 million migrant encounters, respectively. Despite a notable decline in May, with over 200,000 encounters reported, the situation continues to present challenges.

Broadening the Focus to the Northern Border: In addition to addressing the southern border, Ramaswamy emphasized the need to eventually secure the northern border as well. He argued that deploying the military would be a justifiable approach to effectively seal off both borders and safeguard national security.

Comprehensive Solutions and Collaborative Efforts: Ramaswamy highlighted the importance of not solely relying on military forces, but also implementing other policies. He advocated for reintroducing the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which requires migrants to stay in Mexico during their asylum hearings. Additionally, he stressed the significance of pressuring Mexico to improve its own border control efforts, emphasizing the essential nature of collaboration in effectively addressing migration challenges.

Birthright Citizenship and Civic Responsibilities: Ramaswamy expressed the view that children of illegal immigrants should not automatically receive citizenship through birthright. He emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and suggested implementing a constitutional amendment to codify this stance. Furthermore, he proposed that all individuals born in the US should be required to pass a civics test at the age of 18, similar to the requirement for naturalized citizens, in order to fully enjoy the privileges of citizenship.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s strategies to address the migrant crisis involve deploying the military to secure both the US southern and potentially the northern border. He argues that constructing a wall alone is inadequate and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach that includes reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy and collaborating with neighboring countries. Ramaswamy also advocates for reevaluating birthright citizenship policies and introducing civic responsibilities to foster a stronger sense of national identity and civic duty. As discussions regarding Ramaswamy’s proposals continue, their feasibility and impact will be subjects of ongoing debate and analysis.

Exploring Alternative Strategies to Address the Migrant Crisis

Malcolm Grayson

Malcolm graduated from Harvard with a double major and minor with honors in Philosophy, Religion, and Psychology. He then worked for Harvard as a Rockefeller Fellow, an honor awarded to him by the Rockefeller Family. He is currently ranked as having the top 20 best memories in the USA.

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